Dent Removal Technology for the 21st Century Technician

Safety Warning
By visiting this site, you affirm that you have read and understand all safety instructions and precautions listed in the MDRS Safety Warning. A hard copy of these instructions will be included with any MDRS order. Due to serious concerns regarding injury and liability issues related to the use of the Magnetic Dent Removal System (MDRS), all safety guidelines must be followed while assembling, handling, and using the system. The contents of the MDRS Technician pages are intended for professional band instrument repair technicians only. Sharing or posting we page URL for direct access to the MDRS Technician Pages is prohibited due to the serious concerns of liability for owners of MDRS.

Additional Information
The Magnetic Dent Removal System (MDRS) and its components (other than the Apprentice Kit) were developed for use by Band Instrument Repair Technicians, including all members of The National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians (NAPBIRT). Sales of MDRS are not limited to NAPBIRT members. If you are a practicing repair technician, a music store owner with a desire to increase the capabilities of your repair shop, a school district which operates it's own independent repair facility, or other person whose profession has to deal with the repair and restoration or brass instruments, we look forward to being so service to you. MDRS tooling contains very strong magnets which carry with ownership the need for responsibility and knowledge of use. MDRS is not intended for use or sold to person in the general public who are not accustomed to working with, or repairing and restoring brass instruments. (This would apply to band directors, parent groups, etc.) Please contact us at 517-339-7333 if you have questions regarding the acquisition of MDRS. You can also email us at